magazine research analysis

My research has helped me work on my pre-production in a variety of ways. The main feature I needed inspiration for was the layout of the magazine. I chose to base my magazine layout on the magazines I had researched as it provided me with adequate information on what audiences like. As I wanted to target an audience within the socio-economic groups C1 and B. My research on filmmaker magazine provided me with ideas of what different varieties of audiences like, for example, a more neutral layout is preferred for a higher class audience. 

I had to improvise on the main image and hint at what the film could be about with the colour scheme, appearance of the main image and the cover lines. The language used in the cover lines would also tell the audience about the film. I was struggled to create short and snappy, yet informative cover lines. I wanted them to inform the audience about the film, the content of the magazine and aim to invite the reader.

A deeper analysis of the magazines allowed me to pick out conventions in the main image as well as the cover lines and masthead. 
