Chosen magazine for my article

After researching on film magazine I found that there are plenty of them in the market. I selected a few that are commonly read by the younger generation age 15 to 20 (my primary target audience) and the parents(AB1 and 2) these including Total Film, Empire and RadioTime magazine. After the search in more depth on these magazines, I realised that even though they had a similar or same target audience but I still need to consider the demographics group, interest and intents. Moreover, each magazine also has its specific article and house style. 

I think that Total Films magazine and its genre is similar to Empires, however, I feel like Total film uses layout in a more creative way compared to Empire. I like the way they just have a big main image and an eye-catching header. I will consider using some of these conventions for my article.

I based my idea for my magazine article mainly on Total Film magazine. I used this magazine brand as I felt it portrays the showcased film the clearest out of the magazines I had studied. I also felt the information and colour schemes were all interlinked and I felt these were the most effective in persuading me to read the inside content. From researching these magazines and comparing what I had done to them I could find imperfections in my work and correct them. 

When looking at the Total film magazine I can see that they consist of the same layout most of the time for there feature pages. However even though there simple and conventional I think they are down to the point and quite bold. 
