Pitch (final production)

For my final production, I will be coming up with a 5-minute extract of a documentary. The subject of the documentary is going to be about “the impact of a pandemic on education to millions of students”. I will be doing an interview with 3 students who their exam was cancelled about how they feel about it and talking about the overall education. I will need to do an online interview with my friends Mako because we are in a different place and there are pandemic guidelines and rules. For Beaut and Deena who was a GCSE student last years, I can do a real interview because we live in the same house. 

I chose this topic because I feel that this pandemic is very new and hugely affect everyone around the world. Especially with the education, where all the students need to do online learning and the cancelled of GCSE and A-level exam in2020 and 2021. The Covid‐19 pandemic has become a historical context that hardly to happen again. Moreover, I can clearly see how this pandemic has deeply effected the students especially GCSE, A-level and university freshers. So, I wanted to create this documentary to raise awareness for the person who is related to this and understand how they feel.

Target audience

My primary target audience will be teenagers both male and female from the ages of 15 to 20. I targeted these age group because they are the relevant people who would know and face the same situation with all other students. The secondary target audience will then be targeted at the parents to show how the covid-19 impact their children education and how students suffer and/or concern about this. I also consider targeting an audience within the socio-economic groups C1 and B.

Television channels

I have chosen to broadcast my documentary on BBC Three, a streams television and web series aimed at the demographic of 16 to 34-year-olds, with a particular focus on comedy and documentary programming. But I would also consider to aired my documentary on Netflix as well, as it is the platform that targets both males and females between the ages of 17-60. I feel like this is a good platform to distribute and air my documentary.   

Documentary codes and conventions I plan to use 


  • Interview
  • Handheld Camera -  encoding realism and ‘truth’
  • Narrative Voice Over - leading the audience into a preferred reading.
  • Use of texts/ titles
  • Visual coding (mise en scene)
  • Use of Archive footage to support filmed scenes
  • Archive Footage: Footage that shows events that have happened in the past.
  • Actuality footage: Recordings of actual events which is documented with the real people involved

For my preliminary task, I didn't provide any dialogue and the archived footage. So, this time I will provide that into this documentary. I had a lot of positive feedback on the editing technique, so I feel like it would be a good technique to use in my final production. I may also use some footage from my preliminary task.
