Interview questions

These are all the questions in which I planned to ask the interviewees (students) during the interview session. 

Mako, Deena and Beaut 

    1. How do you feel about the GCSE/ A-Level exam being cancelled last year?
    2. How does it affect you?
    3. Are you satisfy with your result? if not what are you not happy about?
    4. Now, that we are back in lockdown and having to do an online lesson again how do you cope?
    5. Does it affect your mental health at all having to stay at the house all the time?

Mako (Uni student)

    1. How does Covid-19 affect your first year in Uni, how do you feel about it?
    2. Do you get enough support u need from your teachers?
    3. Do you understand the lesson well? if not how do you cope with that?
    4. Do you feel like you fit in well with other people as most lessons were done online?
    5. Why did you choose to come back to the UK when you can do an online lesson in your home country? 
