Our first try filming

After our first try experimenting and filming our movie opening, we discovered many strengths and limitations.

Some of the limitations were in the location that we chose: we were very close to a road and also there were people with a dog who kept barking, so we were surrounded by noises that we didn't want in our production. We also experienced problems with the camera, for example, there were shots that wouldn't always stay focused and since we didn't know about "auto-focus" at the time we had to re-record many scenes multiple times which was time consuming. This also led to the battery of the camera running out while we were filming our last scene. Another limitation was the lighting, we chose to film it in the daytime because the sky was grey enough, however, when we looked at the shots we filmed we didn't think it connotes the horror genre enough. 

The strengths were that the forest we chose was private and so next time we will ask the owner if we can use it for a specific amount of time where we won't be disturbed. We were also lucky that it wasn't sunny since it would have been to fake for a horror opening. Another strength is that the actors we used were available, flexible and happy to help us with our project. Lastly, a strength from this first experience was that we managed to experiment and get used to the camera and that we now have more of an idea of what we can and need to do to improve our opening. 
